We welcome you to the Spanish Community of Wallingford, the Comunidad Hispana de Wallingford.

As you will see as you tour these pages, the work of our organization is to assist Latino individuals and families to succeed in their new home, the United States of America.  We like to think of ourselves as embodying its best attributes: an open heart welcoming immigrants and a willing hand to help them succeed.

Success is indeed the word in our mission statement that best describes all of our work:

  • It may be Adriana tutoring nine-year old Miguel in arithmetic so that he succeeds in school.
  • Or Evangeline teaching the seven-year old Martinez girls to succeed in learning to play the violin.
  • Or Lizandra offering interpretation help to Jose so that his doctor can successfully treat a health condition.
  • Or Liz meeting with the Rodriquez family and that they can successfully work with their son’s teacher at Parker Farms School.
  • Or Maria working with Youth and Social Services to mentor a student and keep him focused on becoming a successful adult.
  • Or Pilar helping Sara sign up successfully for her Medicare benefits.

Or any of a thousand other ways that will help Latinos overcome the obstacles that new arrivals face in their quest to succeed in realizing their dreams in this Land of Opportunity and add their contribution to American culture.


From our Board Chair and our Executive Director:

“We are delighted that you have arrived at our website.  We hope that you will stay for a long visit and learn not only what we do but, more importantly, why we do it.   Latinos have so much to add to the rich texture of our community, and it is indeed exciting to help them achieve the dreams that brought them here.  We are anxious to share our story – and theirs – with you.  Thank you for your interest and your support.” 

                                                         Patricia Cymbala and Maria Campos Harlow